Room is a virtual space which holds conferencing of the people. To allow users to join a 100ms video conferencing session inside your app, you first need to create a room
Create Room
You can create room using either dashboard or API.
Create Room using Dashboard
You can create room on 100ms Dashboard. While creating a room you can specify it's name, template, region and/or enable recording.
Room creation via dashboard is helpful in doing quick POC or creating smaller number of rooms.
You can add or modify templates on 100ms Dashboard.
Create Room using API
You can also create room using API. This provides a more scalable way of creating room.
POSTCreate Room API
This endpoint is used to create Room.
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <management_token>' -X POST -H 'Con tent-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "test-room", "description": "This is a test room", "recording_info": {"enabled": true, "upload_info": {"type": "s3", "location": "test-bucket", "prefix": "test-prefix", "options": {"region": "ap-south-1"}, "credentials": {"key": "aws-access-key", "secret": "aws-secret-key"}}}}'
Name | Value | Required |
Content-type | application/json | Yes |
Authorization | Bearer <management token> | Yes |
Body Paramters
Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | A unique identifier you can assign to 100ms rooms. This is case-insensitive . Accepted characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and . - : _ If not provided, this is generated automatically. Note: If create Room is called with an existing room name, then the corresponding room ID is returned | No |
description | string | A string to describe your room's usage. E.g. "9PM English Class Batch 2" | No |
template | string | Template of the room. You can get template name from room details section on dashboard | No |
recording_info | object | Object of type recording_info . This object contains information for enabling recording/setting storage location for recordings. | No |
region | string | Region in which you want to create room - in - India region, us - US region or auto which stands for automatic region selection which happens also in case this parameter is not provided | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
enabled | boolean | Enable recording. Disabled by default | No |
upload_info | object | Object of type upload_info . This object contains information on recordings storage location. If you want to store recording with 100ms, and not use your own s3, don't add this to the object | No |
To know more about recording please visit Recording
Name | Type | Description | Required |
type | string | Upload Destination type. Currently, only s3 is supported | Yes |
location | string | Name of the AWS s3 bucket in which you want to store all recordings | Yes |
prefix | string | Upload prefix path | No |
options | object | Options to be used for uploading i.e. region, ACLs etc | No |
credentials | object | Object of type Credentials . This is used to share AWS credentials to access the s3 bucket specified. | No |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
key | string | Access Key for the AWS account hosting the s3 bucket for recordings' storage | Yes |
secret | string | Secret for the AWS account hosting the s3 bucket for recordings' storage | Yes |